In general, the loan seeking world can seem like one big jigsaw puzzle. Sometimes it might feel like you think you’ve found the right piece, but then it just doesn’t fit your personal circumstances or requirements.
When working with banks to obtain finance you can rest assured that they will only mention what they have to offer, which is usually a limited selection, and if you are declined you most often won’t hear why.
Finance brokers however, look into an array of loan options, finding what best suits your needs.
The acceptance rates through a finance broker are generally much higher and they can offer you more flexibility when determining your eligibility. This is especially important for those looking to acquire truck finance.
Truck driver challenges!
Obtaining truck finance has become increasingly difficult for truck drivers and businesses owners as the selection criteria that banks and financial institutions have set have been narrowed in recent years. When you need to update your commercial truck or buy new, a finance broker specialising in vehicle finance is the best way to go.
Self Employed?
There are many self-employed truck drivers – maybe like yourself, so if you are self-employed and seeking Truck Finance, don’t despair as a Low Doc Truck Loan might be the right answer to your Truck Finance worries.
Low Doc Truck Finance
Not every business has profit and loss statements, cash flow projections or current tax returns and the worry that the complete data of your finances that is required by banks and finance companies could stop you from obtaining your finance. That is why working with a broker for your truck financing to help you keep on truckin!
Some brokers still have the low doc truck loan option, for those individuals who are unable to supply all of their financial paperwork; Australian Credit Acceptance is one of the few who can help you in the low doc area.
So, if your truck needs updating, or you need a new one, choose financial broker put your mind at ease. The process is simple and you’ll be back on the road in no time.